3 IT Employment Trends in 2018
The IT industry is rapidly-changing given the technological advancements it brings. These changes reflect not only on the technologies used, but also on the needs and expectations of the IT employees. In this regard, we figured it was high time we talked to you about the most important employment trends in IT in 2018. Let’s begin!
1. Workplace Wellbeing is Key
Although over the past years flexible working hours or the possibility to work from were the norm in IT companies, the trend for 2018 is workplace well-being. Studies have revealed that when employees interact more with each other in physical environments, it can result in enhanced creativity and relationship building that lead to favorable outcomes. Instead of allowing the employer to seclude himself you might want to consider building up an organizational culture that creates a sense of belonging and empowers the employer to make an impact. So, if you want to keep those good juices flowing in your company, you might want to consider workplace wellbeing now more than ever.
2. Soft Skills Trainings
This not only applies to IT employees, but to the entire Generation Z of today. Today’s employees show a gap of soft skills in the workplace, so one thing to do is to focus on building up these skills in your employees. Did you know that 95% of millennials are willing to pay for their own professional development and training? Big companies tend to invest greater sums of money in the soft skills training and development even more in 2018 compared to previous years.
3. Overall Employee Experience
Last but definitely not least, the trend for IT jobs is to create employee experiences rather than be the place where you go to make money. The low engagement levels that we see today are due to this lack of life experience that most companies offer. Instead, factors such as work environment, team relationships, professional growth opportunities, company culture, and recognition will be looked at from a fresh perspective in 2018.
The new ideology is to view employees as customers and tend to their wellbeing as you would for your customers. After all, they are the most valuable resource that your company has. Go beyond the rigid, traditional job experience and try to make it much more fun, engaging and end-to-end solution. Give your employees the opportunities to expand, to grow and stay engaged and allow them to experience a place where they find themselves when they come to the job.
These are the most relevant trends for IT employees in 2018 in particular. In the end, it’s all about creating jobs that not only demand a set of skills, but also a personality, a human being that can fit in perfectly. This translates into grater engagement from your employees, while they gain a sense of importance and power by doing a job they love. For more information on IT companies in Cluj-Napoca and how to find the right IT employee for your job, please contact us or drop us a line in the chatbox.
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