Let’s kick-start your
IT department.

Obviously, it’s not that easy — but we’ll help.

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Trusted by
  • 8x8
  • Flywire
  • UiPath
  • Itiviti - A Broadridge Business
  • Hays Tech
  • ING
  • Kry
  • F6S
  • APC
  • Lingoda
  • Aliz.ai
  • Micro Focus
  • Ixxus
  • Riverbed® Technology
  • Ullink
  • Hewlett Packard Enterprise
  • Hitta
  • Xoomworks
  • Infiniswiss
  • Yopeso
  • Softing
  • Lisam Systems
  • Mejix
  • Zitec
  • QTronic
  • Zonga
  • Yonder
  • Bringme
  • Flow Traders
  • Audicon
  • Spyhce
  • Zenitech
  • TrustYou
  • Luminos
  • Winnow
  • Beebyte
  • MyTime
  • Alight
  • Konux
  • MUSO
  • ZenQMS
  • Macadamian
  • 8 West
  • BigBrother
  • Travtus
  • Striktly
  • SCIA
  • X-ISS
  • Reason
  • Kynetix
  • Interaction Design Foundation

How we do it.

A small introduction to our recruitment process so you’ll have a clear picture what to expect during the recruitment campaigns.

  • First, we schedule a meeting with a technical representative from your company, be that the Hiring Manager or the Team Lead. Our Technical Advisor and Recruitment Coordinator will evaluate your recruitment needs. Our scope is to gather information on what you need, starting with the internal processes and procedures, projects, products, organizational culture, teams, to sketch the job profile for the open position. This step is important to learn more about your company but also get to know each other better.

  • After you’ve provided us with everything required for the open position, we will take it from here. Our team, composed of an organizational psychologist and our Technical Advisor, build the profile description based on the information we gathered at this stage. The profile is quite complex, and it comprises technical skills required by the position, desired personality traits, and soft skills. You will receive a summary of this data for validation or modification before moving on to the recruitment strategy.

  • After we’ve received the validation from you, the next step is elaborating the open position documentation. We’re talking about the Recruitment Sheet or Profile Description, a very detailed job description document. At this point, we must gather information from the Team Lead, Hiring Manager, or an employee hired on a similar role in your company.

  • Now that we have it all on “paper“, this is the point where we develop the recruitment strategy that is right for you. This is a complex process that focuses on the means and the methods that can bring us the desired results in the shortest possible time. When the strategy is ready, you will receive 2-3 calibration profiles for the position. We must receive your feedback ASAP to ensure that the recruitment strategy we have developed is the right one for you. The more accurate the recruitment strategy, the higher the conversion rate and the shorter the time to hire.

  • The moment we receive the feedback for the calibration profiles, we are ready for the hunt. We approach as many candidates as needed from our extensive database, open to a job opportunity, and highly confident in our professionalism. At the end of our sourcing campaign, we’ll find the most suitable candidates matching the skill-sets, experience, and cultural fit. Usually, we send the first recommendations within 8 days, but it can take more or less, depending on the year’s period and other market factors.

  • The interviews differ on each recruitment campaign, ranging from online interviews via phone to face to face interviews at our office. The goal is to filter out the candidates whose motivation or skills do not match your company’s objectives. For this, our specialized organizational psychologists know exactly what questions to ask and what to look into.

  • At the end of the selection stage, we will present each qualified candidate to be scheduled for a Technical Interview with your team. After a candidate has passed all the interviews with your team, we collect the final feedback and discuss a potential offer considering the candidate’s plans. In terms of consultancy, we can advise you about motivation (ideal salary offer or other critical aspects in the decision process) and market trends. We make sure you’ll have all the necessary information to make the best decision.

  • This step exists only to ensure you we’ll repeat steps 5-7 endlessly until your recruitment goals are met. That is, we will continuously source, interview, and recommend candidates until you have filled the gap in your team.

We have a flexible process
that works.

Hiring the best candidates for the job is what we did for the past 12 years, and we’ll continue doing that. Everyday.

5 days
Sourcing the best candidates
3 days
Leading the interviews
9 days
Technical interviews
5 days
Hiring is complete

Results we deliver to companies

Assessing candidates’ skills, attitude, potential and making sure the best-fit candidate is your hire - this is what we did for the past 12 years, and we’ll continue doing that. Every day.


The more hires you need, the more we deliver - our results have increased by every 3 years


With a 100:1 assessed to hired ratio, we are invested in every step of the process

Quick return

Most of the time, we help you hire within a 30 days time frame

Putting things in motion with our freelance network.

Think of a company, city, country - or whatever place you can think of, really. Now, with our extended network of freelancers, we probably have someone that’s a right fit for your company.

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We’ve been in business long enough that people talk.

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Încerc să mă gândesc la aspecte care nu mi-au plăcut în procesul de recrutare, dar nu prea găsesc. Ce pot să spun este că a decurs totul foarte rapid, lucru care mi-a plăcut. Eu eram deja aproape semnat cu o firmă din Elveția când am fost contactat și v-am spus despre asta. V-ați mișcat super repede și în 2-3 zile am avut interviul cu Human Direct, cu clientul și oferta.

- Ionel Hindorean, Technical PM / Front End Developer
Thanks for the kind words! It means a lot, Ionel!
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