EFIKOT conference on innovation!

Anne-Lise Brown
Anne-Lise Brown ↓ 2 minute read
Mar 19, 2024
Read 4 times

What a fantastic and inspiring experience we had at the 2024 EFIKOT conference in Cluj-Napoca, organized by RMKT - Romániai Magyar Közgazdász Társaság (Hungarian Economist Asociation from Romania)! 🚀💡

Erika, Founder & Organizational Psychologist, and Csabi, Founder & Lead Software Engineer fueled their energy and inspiration tanks at EFIKOT, an insightful tech conference on innovation, digitalization, and robotization, topics of high interest for their ongoing projects. Maybe not many of you know, that besides Human Direct, their successful IT recruitment and consulting company, Erika and Csabi also have two original products and own a tech startup: Friday (https://fridayjobs.eu/jobs). This makes them eager to participate in many tech events and connect with young entrepreneurs and senior leaders who give back to the community through valuable events, workshops, or even mentoring programs. It was with such incredible professionals that they had the honor to meet and share their ideas and experiences at the EFIKOT conference earlier this month.


🔄 The engaging and insightful discussions were centered on the topic of innovation as seen from 4 different angles:

1. Supply chain

2. Future of Sustainable Mobility

3. The jobs of the future

4. Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Investing🏆 The young researcher Ágota Bakos presented us dotLumen - Empowering the Blind, a product that revolutionizes the mobility of the visually impaired using Spatial Navigation AI. dotLumen has been selected as a a finalist for the #NewEuropeanBauhaus Prizes 2023, out of over 1,450 applications!

🌿 Zsolt Nagy discussed the importance of ESG, the set of standards for a company’s behavior used by socially conscious investors to screen potential investments. With the right corporate policies in place, companies can make better decisions that safeguard the environment and address important issues, such as climate change.

🙏 Kinga Daradics, CEO of Emag, was very inspirational in answering the public’s questions with transparency and honesty and was a true example of what it means to pay it forward to the new generation. Her message was particularly catered to young individuals who are just starting out in their careers and to women who are striving for leadership or entrepreneurial positions. Her career path is a testament to her philosophy: she didn’t make it a goal to become a CEO, but she focused on the impact she can have on the people and organizations around her. When you lead with your purpose, growth follows.

🤖 Szász Levente, university lecturer, and Ottó Csíki, researcher, caught our attention with information on digitalization, the nine pillars of Industry 4.0, and its relevance. If you want to understand more about this topic, give this short article a read: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse...


They also presented us with a holistic approach to the challenges of HR in the face of digitalization, one of the main effects of industry 4.0 technologies on HR. What is the role of human resources in adopting digital manufacturing technologies? What are the skills and competencies different organizational levels need? We got answers to these questions and many more, and since their research is so relevant to the tech industry and our activity at Human Direct, we will write a separate article covering the new findings. 👏 Congratulations RMKT for organizing such a high-quality event, and thank you for fostering an engaging context for debates and idea-sharing within our community. See you next year! 💙

#CareerDevelopment #EFIKOT #Innovation #Economics #BusinessInsights #Networking #Sustainability #TransylvaniaBusiness


Photo Credit: RMKT and EFIKOT
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