The 5 Most In-Demand Programming Languages of 2017

Andreea Laza
Andreea Laza ↓ citește în 2 minute
Oct 06, 2017
Citit de 248 de ori

A simple Google search will show you that there are hundreds of programming languages out there. This ranking of the top 5 in-demand programming languages worldwide is conceived from a career perspective. Hence, any programmer looking to up his or her career could be interested in what new programming language to look into. Without further ado, here they are, the most in-demand programming languages in 2017.

# 5 C++

Although C++ is the built on the pillar of all programming languages, that is C, junior developers consider it a quite difficult to learn language compared to Python or Javascript. Perhaps this is the reason why C++ programmers are in high demand in 2017 still. Used for creating software systems, games engines and apps, C++ is very popular amongst the programming languages. We have aSenior Game Developer open position online that requires C++ knowledge. Thought you might be interested.

# 4 Javascript

Not the same thing as Java or mean stack development, Javascript still is one of the most in-demand programming languages this year too. Mostly used for front-end development, Javascripts prides in full compatibility with different browsers and the fact that is used in over 90% of all web pages out there. In addition, Javascript is the most popular language on StackOverflow. We have some very interesting Javascript requiring job positions on our site, like PHP Web Developer or Front-end Engineer.

# 3 Python

Not yet very popular on the local market, Python is a general purpose programming language that has gained a lot of popularity over the last years. Why? First off, it is used for very many applications, from microchips testing, to failure analysis of drives to social media powering to creating video games and so on. Basically that’s the best asset of Python, that can be used for pretty much anything. The biggest companies in the world use it, such as YouTube, Google, Yahoo, DropBox, Nasa, IBM and even Mozilla or Quora amongst many more others.


# 2 Java

First runner up is Java, of course. The spike in Java positions could be related to the rise in Android users on the market, since all native Android apps are built using Java. Furthermore, Java is a very simple and easy to read programming language used by developers worldwide. Most of the jobs on our site require Java knowledge, from Test Automantion Specialists to Senior Full-Stack Engineers, so there’s plenty job opportunity with Java in 2017.

# 1 SQL

According to stats, there are 50.000 more job description including SQL in 2017 compared to 2016. The study was performed by SQL is used to communicate with and manipulate databases. It is an extremely popular programming language, with many variations like MySQL and Microsoft SQL. We have a few very interesting Senior Java Developer, Android Developer and Web Frontend Developer open job positions you might want to look into.

Hopefully you’ve found our blog to be inspiring in you career choices as a programmer. For this, we have some amazing job opportunities in our Jobs section, that you can check out.

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