Human Direct is not just about recruitment, it is also about people, about getting together, about being an active part of the IT community in Cluj.
We feel that in order to help you land the perfect job, we have spend time together and share our common interests, activate together in shaping and developing our careers.
So we, we meaning Andreea Majeri this time, went to meet the intriguing Good Cop at the TypeScript: The Good Cop Meet Up hosted by The Cluj JavaScripters.
As it usually happens with these events, the atmosphere was relaxed, everybody felt comfortable and interested in the debated subject. Vlad Zelinschi hosted the event and introduced the key speaker Cassian Lup. He came all the way from Timisoara marking the Javascripters` first collaboration with somebody from outside Cluj.
The presentation offered insights about TypeScript about how Supersets of JavaScript have come and gone and weather TypeScript is any different, all topics extracted from the speaker’s experience of adopting TS across 3 different projects, all in one intense year. With examples drawn from real projects, Cassian explained why it gained momentum and what are the strong points and the pitfalls of TS.
This meeting convinced us, not just about TypeScript, but also about making it a habit of ours to participate in as many meetups as we can because we felt intrigued by the debated topics, because we are becoming older and wiser while being connected to our rapidly expanding community of IT lovers in Cluj.
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