As the Holiday Season is upon us, we find ourselves as busy as can be. The fast approaching end of the year has us focused on finalizing as many projects as possible and contouring our plans for the year to come.
But winter and December is also about looking back, reflecting on our achievements, seeking areas that need improvement. This year brought many challenges that make our accomplishments even more valuable.
We are most proud of our team, about the experiences we shared and how we grew and improved our business together. Improving our work procedures, finding productive strategies that are also in balance with our business values, made day to day work easier and more enjoyable.
We are also proud to announce another important achievement: we finally found a beautiful, cozy house in the city center to host our offices. We have a long way to go, but we hope to move in next year.
As important was our collaboration with our clients and candidates. We learned a great deal working together, finding suitable strategies to fulfill our client’s expectations. The respectful and transparent relationship with each candidate has been a key element to our success.
Thinking about what to wish you all for Christmas, we felt that while everybody focuses on joy and fun, harmony and tranquility are underrated. In this troubled political climate and challenged environmental context, we should reach out to each other and be more grateful than ever for what we still have.
We hope you will have a peaceful Christmas and an even calmer New Year!
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